Built state-of-the-art Philadelphia 76ers outdoor lighted basketball court

Awarded “Move Right Eat Right” Grant. Established vegetable garden and installed heaters for Somerset Building Gymnasium

Provided office and reception furniture, dry erase boards, refrigerators, access points for WiFi, credenzas, tables, and bookshelves

Donated coats, hats, scarves, and gloves to 200 families

Reviewed and approved employee manual to ensure all employee codes, laws, and regulations are accurate.

Donated 35 desktops with webcams and 25 laptops to enhance classroom learning

Mural on four floors of the Lehigh Building stairwell.

Donated $12,000 to provide Christmas dinners to 200 families at The Lighthouse

Donated children’s books to establish a children’s library at Somerset Building. Established a garden to beautify the neighborhood.

Generous donation of sports equipment for baseball, softball, and field hockey.